Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI)

Image credit:
Keegan Houser

Let's Make UC Berkeley a Healthy Campus

Berkeley’s Healthy Campus Initiative (HCI) is the umbrella for new activities the campus is taking to improve the health and well-being of our campus communities. With so many students, staff, and faculty working on health and wellness efforts, it is an exciting time to engage in personal and community-level changes. We hope you will join us!


UC Berkeley’s Healthy Campus Initiative is committed to creating a health-promoting environment and culture of wellness and well-being that is embedded in our teaching, research, and public service mission, infrastructure, and policy.


To create a campus environment that:

  • Encourages and expands wellness opportunities at the multiple levels of campus policy, infrastructure, institutional practices, and individual choice.
  • Supports positive practices that permeate the campus’s organizational values, through a broad, cohesive culture focused on well-being.
  • Emphasizes collaboration among campus and community partners on ensuring equitable access to a healthy campus environment, programs, and services.

Berkeley is part of larger UC and national efforts 

  • The Healthy Campus Network (HCN) is a University of California systemwide initiative that promotes innovative reforms in all dimensions of health and well-being “to make UC the healthiest place to work, learn, and live. HCN is founded on a vision that, to fundamentally change our health environment, campus communities must invest in a host of small changes that add up to meaningful shifts, thus producing a lasting culture of health.
  • The US Health Promoting Campus Network (USHPCN) U.S. Health Promoting Campuses Network is guided by the Okanagan Charter: An International Charter for Health Promoting Universities and Colleges, which calls on post-secondary schools to embed health into all aspects of campus culture; and to lead health promotion action and collaboration, locally and globally.

Key frameworks 

Berkeley has adopted the Okanagan Charter, the global Health Promoting Universities Framework to guide our work. As part of a strengths-based approach, we have created the following “asset map” with examples of Berkeley activities already underway. 

We also embrace the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Culture of Health Action Framework which has health equity as its foundation.

Okanagan Charter flyer